Smarter Solutions for Better Results

Redefining How Employees View Compliance

Client Successes

Redefining How Employees View Compliance

Global Pharmaceutical Company

The Challenge

A large pharmaceutical company faced a demanding and continually changing ethical landscape, requiring employees to better understand their responsibilities for doing business with integrity. The Compliance Group asked iQue Group to help equip individual contributors and leaders/managers with the knowledge and insight to fulfill those responsibilities. The learning needed to be delivered globally within a specific timeframe.


The Solution

eLearning was chosen as the delivery method to reach this audience. A general course was developed for all employees, reviewing the importance of compliance, the company’s commitment to an ethical culture, specific behaviors they are expected to engage in to ensure compliance and resources to help them. A second course was created to communicate additional responsibilities for leaders/managers. To ensure access for a global workforce, the individual contributors course was translated into 10 languages. The general course achieved a completion rate of 97% among 7,000 employees within the first six weeks, and the leaders course attained an 88% completion rate within the first month.


What our client had to say...

“I was impressed with how well iQue Group aligned the e-learning messaging with our culture and our overall compliance initiatives to create a seamless program. iQue Group first took the time to understand our business and then developed a high-quality product that really maps well with how our senior leadership is positioning our ethical culture.”